יום ראשון, 30 בנובמבר 2008

Miracle or Menace: Teaching and Learning with Laptop Computers in the Classroom. Efaw,J., Hampton, S., Martinez, S., and Smith, S. (2004).
Goal: The present study tried to answer the question - How the integration of laptops into classroom instruction influenced students' classroom active learning.
Description: A group of first year students at the United States Military Academy at West Point and their Psychology instructors were given a laptop computer to use in class, with the goal of combining classroom learning activities and strategies with the technology tools available with laptop computers.
Procedure: Various techniques for using laptops effectively in the classroom were used during the lessons. These techniques affected the efficiency of the classroom procedures while promoting learning through responsive feedback.
Limitations: During the study certain limitations arouse, for instance: Some teachers were not motivated to use technology while teaching; others felt uncomfortable teaching students who were typing on the keyboards to take notes; some others believed that students would engage in activities not related to the class causing the loss control in the classroom; and finally, teachers that did not own a laptop. What helped solve some of the problems was that the instructors were given laptops. This motivated the teachers to enthusiastically integrate laptop technology into their classroom strategies. Another problem was the students who were not sure about the utility of using the laptop as a tool for learning, so several students returned to taking notes with paper and pencil, a closed laptop beside them.
Conclusions: The study reported a number of advantages to the teacher and students over the computer lab-class. For example: A more intimate, personal atmosphere; flexibility to move and switch around desks or put the students into groups; when the teacher does not want the students engaged with or distracted by computers in the class, he/she can simply ask the students to close the laptops; it provides mobility; when class is over, all activities, presentations, and notes will leave with the student on the laptop. In addition, the students’ motivation increased, efficiency increased regarding both note-taking, amount of material covered, and the students' learning since they acquired higher test scores versus students in no-laptop classrooms.
Personal opinion: When reading the research article, I immediately found myself identified with some of the teachers' fears of using laptops during the lesson, for example: students might engage in activities that have nothing to do with my lesson; students that look constantly down to the laptop screen instead of looking at me; students that may think that traditional writing is no longer necessary, and thus, not developing the necessary skills; etc.
However, I also identified myself with the teachers that mentioned that motivation has increased, not only in the students but also in them. I find myself constantly thinking about activities that could help my students understand better certain topic, or on how to develop an ability or strategy that I am trying to install in them.
I strongly believe that when students are given the responsibility of taking care of a computer and managing their learning with it, increases their involvement in the classroom learning process, the level of learning increases and the development of a greater number of abilities and strategies is achieved.

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